Important notice for users of the Open Flockbook Project online database

If you participate in the Open Flockbook Project or are interested in starting to participate or are wondering what on earth the OFP is, please be aware that we have made an important change in the way we maintain the online database. In a nutshell, instead of entering data piecemeal as it arrives by email, snail mail, phone messages, and carrier pigeon, from now on we will enter all your lambs, transfers and deaths once a year. We picked June as our data entry month in order to capture all of that year’s lambing.

The online database currently documents over 3100 American Soay and over 2300 British Soay. As far as we can tell, all British Soay born in the US or Canada from 1990 through 2016, including some which have not been registered with the RBST, are included.

The OFP website and its various pedigree search and other functions have been and will remain open to all.

We urge you to visit the OFP website to learn the rationale for this change and the details of how to begin — or continue — submitting your lamb, transfer, and death data to the Open Flockbook Project.

For now …

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